Sinergix Testing and Certification takes all necessary industry best practice precautionary measures needed to ensure your Biological Safety Cabinets meet or surpass industry standards. Our certifications are conducted in accordance with applicable ANSI, EU, ISO, NSF, and USP standards and guidelines.
We routinely test and certify Biological Safety Cabinets for:​
Inflow velocity measurements.
Downflow velocity measurements.
HEPA filter integrity testing.
Smoke pattern testing.
Site installation testing and alarm calibration.
Non-viable particle counting.
Electrical safety testing.
Fluorescent light testing.
UV light testing.
Pressure decay and cabinet integrity testing.
Vibration testing.
Sound testing.
Airflow visualization studies.
Our comprehensive BSC certification reports are detailed test results, with any remediation that may be required to ensure compliance with applicable industry, governmental or company requirements.